June Makes Three

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Want some frise with your poodle?

Sophie went to the groomer last week. I take her to a local pet supply shop where they really take the time to educate you on pet care, refuse to sell critters of any size, and are just all-around awesome. Plus, they sell the one, obscure brand of dog food that Sophie will eat that I can't find anywhere else. Anyway, when I picked her up from her latest wash 'n fluff, Tab the owner took some time to fuss over her and sit her on the counter top and out of the blue he asked, "What breed did you say she is?" So I told him how we got Sophie and how I have the papers saying she's a poodle but everyone always is asking if she's cockapoo or mini-goldendoodle or whatever. He said, "I used to show dogs, and I'm telling you, there's at least a pound of Bichon in this girl!"

I said, "But what about her papers from the breeder?" He said, "She came from a mall shop, right?" I said, "Yes, and after I got her from the family who bought her, I went to the shop and grilled them about the breeders they used and they promised she's not from a puppy mill."

Ahh, but I'm naive! Apparently, yes, virtually all mall dogs come from puppy mills, like it or not, and after Tab inspected Sophie some more, he deemed her squatty little legs, long body and big round eyes the unmistakable characteristics of a Bichon Frise. Who knew? Then again, who cares? Poodle, bichon-poo, whatever she is... my little girl's adorable, pedigree or not. :-)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

It's Been a Year? Already?

Actually, since we began this adoption process, it's been a year and a half. But who wants to count back that far? We'll just call it our one year-LID anniversary and be done with it.

The truth, though, is that this past year went very quickly. (Twentysomethings and younger, take note: like a sadistic merry-go-round, the clock starts spinning faster and faster as soon as you hit thirty, so enjoy the illuson of youth while you can. (Did I just sound like a parent? Oooh, I really am ready! (Do I use parentheses too often? Eh, who cares. My blog.))) I think we can pretty much count on the next year zipping by as well. I start a new job on Monday. Will be eking out as many weekends at my sister's as possible this summer. We're thinking of going to San Francisco in September. And soon enough, it'll be time to fight the mobs for cut-price Christmas tree ornaments.

In the meantime, I bought a boatload of flowers to plant this weekend to lure the ladybugs.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies and waiting-mommies!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sebastian 1993-2007

Sebastian, long-time companion of my mom and one of the first kitties I ever loved, made a surprise departure from our lives today. At 14, he had of course had a good, long life. As recently as Saturday, he seemed as normal as one would expect a cat of his age to be. Then he suddenly showed major signs of distress, lost of a lot of weight, and well, those of you who have loved and lost pets over the years know where it goes from there. We rushed him to the vet this morning, and after learning he had a kidney infection that had completely overwhelmed his body, we said our goodbyes, wiped away the tears, and did what must be done.

As we held him, I glossed over a few favorite memories of life with Sebastian...

The first morning after I took him and his sister Sable home with me, he determinedly roused me at 5AM by pushing his tiny paw across my cheek over and over again. I woke up to the tiniest kitten face and fell in love immediately.

I was once evacuated from an apartment (chemical spill) and I had to sneak my contraband kitties out to my car lest my landlord discover them and kick me out. I'd gotten Sebastian out but the fireman wouldn't let me back in for Sable. Sebastian and I sat in the car and cried together for an hour till she was finally rescued.

When I brought the cats home after college, Sebastian was so disgusted with me for making him ride two hours in the car, he howled in my face and peed himself during the entire trip.

From there, Sebastian became my mom's true baby and I'm sure that she could take over with many more funny, sweet memories.

We will miss you, little boy. I hope you're sticking your head in the fridge in heaven right now, looking for some tasty chicken.

Monday, May 07, 2007

How should a girl celebrate her 38th birthday?

According to my crazy sister, by jumping out of an airplane, of course!

Glad it was everything you hoped it would be, Es!! And Happy Birthday!!!